Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Evaluation Four

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

Through my media project coursework i have used many different technologies to create my final products. These technologies have helped and provided me with different aspects in creating my final products. Many different technologies combined together have allowed me to create a more successful product.

One of the most important sorts of technology used is the camera we have used to shoot our music video. We have used the Canon 550-D, this camera is a professional camera used by many directors in UK rap music videos. This camera has benefited me and my partner is many different ways, firstly it allowed us to focus and out focus the backgrounds – which we have used throughout our music video. Another factor this camera has provided us is the memory the camera holds – it has space for 32 gigs worth of data, which has allowed me and my partner to take many different shots – random shots. And when we edited our music video, the random videos shots have helped us. The camera has provided us with 720 HD and 1080HD recording, we have used the 1080HD recording as it would have a much higher revolution and make our music video look very professional. 

Another important technology I have come across was the Mac computer, which has allowed me to make my products in a much faster pace. As I have used the Mac computer for my As, i was familiar with most of the aspects. One of the most important advantages of using the Mac computer is the speed and has a lower chance of crashing down than ordinary computers.

The editing software’s i have used is Adobe Premier and Final cut express. They both have similar editing aspects, but in my opinion i have found the Adobe Premier easier. It has allowed me to add special effects to the video to make it look more appealing. I have also used Final cut express to edit some parts of the videos, as it contained a wider range of editing effects. Using both editing software’s has allowed me to get the best possible outcome.

Important software i have used to advertise my final product is Adobe Photoshop. I have used this to make the digipak and magazine advert. Me and my partner have used different ideas combined together to make these product more appealing. Watching many different YouTube tutorials i have become more confident in editing in a more professional level. Using Photoshop has allowed me to remove the background of an image more easily and locking different layer and editing them.

Another simple technology I have used is my blackberry mobile phones. I have used this to gain more and quicker audience feedback on my ancillary tasks – Magazine advert, Music video and DigiPak. I have taken pictures of the magazine advert and DigiPak and send these images through Whatsapp and BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) and have gained useful feedback from friends and family. This method was the easiest and quickest method for me.

Throughout my coursework one of the most important part of technology was Blogger. I have posted all my work through this. Blogger was very easy to use, and it is very useful to add videos, prezi and slideshare documents, which allowed me to have many different multimedia throughout my coursework. Another important advantage was the auto save system, which continues to save your work as you go along, which decrease the chances of losing your work when your computer freezes.

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